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What are the types of independent variables?

Independent Variables: Other Names and Uses.
  • A controlled variable.
  • An explanatory variable.
  • An exposure variable (in reliability theory).
  • A feature (in machine learning and pattern recognition).
  • An input variable.
  • A manipulated variable.
  • A predictor variable.
  • A regressor (in regression analysis).

Similarly one may ask, what are the three levels of independent variables?

high, medium, and low), of a drug on performance or behavior, then your independent variable would be the DRUG, and the levels are the DOSAGES - high, medium, and low.

Additionally, how many independent variables are there? There are often not more than one or two independent variables tested in an experiment, otherwise it is difficult to determine the influence of each upon the final results. There may be several dependent variables, because manipulating the independent variable can influence many different things.

Similarly one may ask, what are some examples of independent and dependent variables?

Independent and Dependent Variable Examples. In a study to determine whether how long a student sleeps affects test scores, the independent variable is the length of time spent sleeping while the dependent variable is the test score. You want to compare brands of paper towels, to see which holds the most liquid.

What are the different types of variable?

There are six common variable types:


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