It would also include village folk dance , urban popular dance (swing, tango), classic dance (Kathak, Bharat Nayam), tribal dance , tap/step dance , educational dance and many more types. Likewise, people ask, what is ethnic dance? An ethnic dance is simply a dance that is characteristic of a particular cultural group. Under this definition even the polka, which is almost always considered a social dance , may be called ethnic , as it began in a culturally distinct region of Europe. Also Know, what is the importance of ethnic dance? Cultural Dance is really important , this is our way to tell other people on what are the things that they need to know about our culture. It is also the way that other people could have respect, knowledge and give importance to our traditions and norms. Let other culture tell what are the story behind their dance . Furthermore, what are the ethnic dance in the Philippines? Many birds and fowls easily became the inspiration for the various et...