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Where do the segmental arteries arise from?

Below the cervical level, the segmental arteries that originate from the descending aorta, and which consist of the posterior intercostal artery and subcostal artery at the thoracic level and the lumbar artery at the lumbar level, are the gateways to obtain images of the vasculature in this region (2, 3).

Similarly one may ask, what is the first branch of the segmental artery?

Radicular arteries are the first branches of the dorsal division of the segmental arteries. The bony spine is supplied by anterior and posterior central arteries that arise directly from the segmental and radicular arteries.

is there a segmental vein in the kidney? Renal segmental veins appear in the clinical literature and in diagrams in surgery manuals (see page 84 in Innovations in Urologic Surgery Hohlenfellner 1997). But because the veins aren't officially recognized by the TA, many anatomy textbooks say there's no such thing.

Subsequently, question is, which arteries are branches of the segmental arteries?

The segmental arteries of the renal arteries:

  • Superior (apical) (from anterior branch of renal aa)
  • Anterior superior (from anterior branch of renal aa)
  • Anterior inferior (from anterior branch of renal aa)
  • Inferior (from anterior branch of renal aa)
  • Posterior (continuation of the posterior branch of renal aa)

What are the 4 major arteries?

The right coronary artery, the left main coronary, the left anterior descending, and the left circumflex artery, are the four major coronary arteries.

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