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What is OD and OS in medical terms?

They are Latin abbreviations. O stands for oculus, which means eye. S stands for sinister, which means left, so OS means “eye, left” D stands for dexter, which is right, so OD means “eye, right” U is uterque, or both which means OU means “eye, both”

Keeping this in consideration, which eye is OD and which is OS?

When you look at your prescription for eyeglasses, you will see numbers listed under the headings of OS and OD. They are Latin abbreviations: OS (oculus sinister) means the left eye and OD (oculus dextrus) means the right eye. Occasionally, you will see a notation for OU, which means something involving both eyes.

Also, what does OD and OS stand for in medical terms? Medical Definition of OS (lens prescription) OS (lens prescription): Abbreviation of "oculus sinister." Latin for "left eye." By contrast, OD stands for "oculus dexter" which is Latin for the right eye.

Also to know, what is OD medical term?

Medical Definition of OD (lens prescription) OD (lens prescription): Abbreviation of "oculus dexter." Latin for "right eye." (The words "dexterity" and "dextrous" derive from "dexter" since the right hand is usually more skillful than the left.) OS stands for "oculus sinister" which is Latin for left eye.

Which side is OD?


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